Somehow, I doubt its hard to resist them, when they ask.
While I admire it, his dedication to the whole fitness thing, it sort of makes that
'Yes We Can' thing seem a little annoying. A little gym-teachery, if you like. I can see him in a golf shirt and knee shorts and those little slouchy socks, with the folded arms and benevolent bemusement, explaining to an athletically challenged ninth grader (perhaps one with glasses and newly applied orthodontia) that if she keeps her eye on the ball, she doesn't have to worry about getting hit in the head with it, truly. He'd probably even say, "Look." and make that intensely concentrated 'I'm going to explain it to you again' face.
Weirdly, when I try too hard to imagine it, he morphs into this guy.

Trying not to try is a bit of a credo for me. If I had to pick a president that personified my own fitness policy, I'd probably fall somewhere in between here

and here. (That's Bill before his ticker suggested he back off on the In-n-Out Burgers. The other guy? William Howard Taft. He got stuck in a bathtub once. Awesome!)
Still, I guess I need to do better. We've been called on to roll up our sleeves and dig in. So my walking challenge starts on February 1, where I will be undertaking to walk 30 minutes a day, every day, from February 1 to March 31, thanks to these folks, who are in Nome, Alaska and don't tolerate any guff about it being too cold, since they live in the land of perpetual frozen-bits-falling-off danger. I'll keep you posted on my ventures into the frozen tundra, and I'll be honest about the days when I stay inside and do this instead.
Good luck on the walking, although the Bollywood workout looks fantastic! Hmmm, okay, that might get on my nerves after the first couple of times.
Your blog is awesome!
Obama really knows how to put himself first, doesn't he! I agree, working out with Taft would be far more enjoyable.
Good idea! I'm doing a running at home type thing until the weather gets better. Using the Wii FIT, but I could do it without it really. It just tracks my time better.
I heard that about Taft. Wow. He was daft eh? Haaarrr...
Hey the word down there for verification is "trite" what's that all about? What's it trying to say, huh?
That's a fun video - I had my kids doing it with me. Thanks!
Ha, did you just compare Obama to Tony Dungy? I dig both dudes so I approve of the comparison. I think it's ok that he takes time for himself since being healthy is important to you know, stay alive and run the country.
FoN- The Bollywood workout IS fun, its just, how can I say this. The woman's voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I wish I had the option of just having the music and not her raspy cawing.
Beth- Doubtless it would involve a good cigar and a standing rib roast.
JM- I often worry my word verification is some subtle insult. But I also don't trust squirrels.
Laufa-- It is big fun, but it requires moving furniture in my house. And care not to kick the cat.
Casey- There is a definite Dungy-ness about Obama. Or Obamaosity about Dungy, if you want to call it that. They make the same face when people are being stupid.
Cool hip hop routine. But I prefer to work out to bagpipes.
Obama as gym teacher. Interesting.
Good luck on your walking project. It's great exercise. You can walk so I don't have to once I am sidelined from bunion surgery. Thank you!
Stuck in the bathtub?!
That always sounds wonderful! You could be warm all the time and people would bring you things. Though the wrinkled fingers would get pretty epic...
You like to do that too? Ok... let's see your video. I'm quite sure ramblin man wouldn't mind taping it for us.
You're insights on Obama are eerily on target. Suddenly I can see him calling Biden a dingleberry and making him run laps after the other cabinet members have all gone home.
Hi friend.. Nice cool post.. Do visit my blog and post your comments.. Take care mate.. Cheers!!!
Thank you for that awesome piece of presidential trivia!! Stuck in a bathtub!! I cannot wait for this to come up in a contest! (It'll happen, all I have to do is wait, right?)
Good luck with the walking challenge.
I love the story about Taft in the bath tub, it's my one of my favorites. I also have mixed feelings about Obama's working out - he makes it darn hard to be lazy.
I admire you for walking before spring. I'm holding off until then. Why? Because where there's ice, I will find it. If I find it, I'll break something. Same reason I couldn't do that video. They're not wearing sneakers! I'd twist my ankle in a heartbeat. Good luck!
Do it. Walk. Then walk more.
I'm a total Obama that way.
What keeps me Jocelyn, in fact, is the fact that I am an exercise-addict who is still satisfyingly overweight. It keeps me likable.
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